dtro-devuk Knowledge Base


A curated list of helpful material on some of my Development Stack

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Languages and Frameworks you should learn!

App Growth

Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

2016 saw the rise of Progressive Web Apps, i.e. web apps that work offline and offer a native app-like experience. Add them to your smart devices homescreen, and send push notifications, bridging the gap with native mobile apps.


Angular and TypeScript to grow in 2017. Other emerging languages-frameworks-tools-you-should-learn-in-2017/

View JS


Node JS



Yarn (facebook)

An alternative package manager for NodeJs to npm, developed ny Facebook. Upgrade over npm with faster installs, better security and deterministic builds. Still uses npm package registry as its backend. Compatible with packages.json and quick to install.


GitHub Markdown


ZenHub is a powerful GitHub issue tracker for fast-moving teams:




Becoming increasingly popular, basically devs that can also do infrastructure. Quicker Release and Faster Issues Fixing in Production. Helped by Tools such as:


Bots are the new mobile apps.

Chat Bots

Facebook Messenger


Cloud is seeing large companies closing down their datacenters and moving there infrastructure there. The main 3 platforms are listed below:




Machine Learning (ML)

Machine Learning (ML) has exploded in popularity during the last twelve months. And with the historic AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol match in March, it entered the mainstream. Smart computer systems that learn from raw data are revolutionizing the way we interact with our mobile devices. By the looks of it, ML will be an even bigger factor in 2017.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Speech recognition and image classification are only two of the user facing applications of the technology, with machines reaching and even surpassing human level performance.

A lot of Startups apply AI and ML, to new domains. A lot of Open-source projects have been released:

A very maths-centric, intensive topic, so courses are required:

Virtual Reality (VR)

Augmented Reality (AR)

Superimposed images and tools on top of Phone Cameras. Can be used for Gamification, Measuring, Proximity Marketing.