dtro-devuk Knowledge Base


A curated list of helpful material on some of my Development Stack

View the Project on GitHub dtro-devuk/KnowledgeBase

React and Typescript Knowledgbase AUG 2020

Title Author Version Group Sub-Levels
React JSX Knowledgebase Page dtro-devuk 1.0   0


Cheat Sheets

React TS Cheats React & TS Cheat Sheets Hocs & TS, High Order Components

React and Typescript

Using Typescript can make you React Apps more readable, type safe, robust, maintainable, and stable. Since v3.0/3.1 been more integration introduced for the both.

Create React App with Typescript

npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript

Manaual setup, Typescript, React, Babel and WebPack
